Compelling Scriptures That Changed A
Pre-Tribulation Rapture Believer Forever


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1st. Corinth, 15, and 1st. Tim. talks about the rapture, not in the book of revelation. Another thing people don't is that when all things will be over and done with, Jesus will turn over the kingdom to God the Father, 1 Corinth. 15:24-29....
Added: Sun, 31st July, 2011

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Sun, 31st July, 2011

Brian Johnson:

Victor Pomerleau:

Jesus comes like a thief in the night on the day of the lord for unbeleivers after great tribulation like u said. 70 weeks of dan is 490 yr which started at ezra chap 7. The 70th week w/o any gap started w/jesus being baptized, 3.5yr later jesus is cut off, confirming the covenant and 3.5yr later stephen is stoned, and the gospel then goes also to gentiles.. u might look at!!....

Tue, 6th June, 2017

well done Steven, you have over come a dispensational theology pre trib fable by letting the Word speak for it self, like I did 30 years ago.

Patrick Brixen:

Tue, 9th August, 2016

Thank you Steven."Found" youtube and your channel back in 2011. Have believed in post trib all my Christian life but have had no fellowship with any who thought the same.(Now in my 50's)Figured that I would not meet any others which broke my heart, as I'm convinced that the pretrib rapture herasy will be the cause for many to stumble and fall in times of persecution to come.When I first listened/ watched your videos I wept and for joy also that the LORD was showing others the truth and of a younger generation than me. May the good LORD bless you and yours. Linda....

Linda Dalton:

Thu, 24th November, 2016

This is a comprehensive Post-Tribulation website which may be of interest:

Fred London:

Wed, 5th August, 2015

Most people who deny the pretribulation rapture compare Matt 24:29 which puts the stellar signs "after the tribulation", and Joel 2:31 which puts the stellar signs "before the Day of the Lord". They then happily and simply conclude that the order of events is as follows: the tribulation, then the stellar signs, then the day of the Lord. They conclude this in order to put the day of the Lord and the rapture after the tribulation. This poses a serious problem, however, because both the tribulation and the Day of the Lord are described as a unique time unlike any other, such as never was, and will never be. So, if there are two sequential time periods, each of which is worse than any other, and no other day will be like it, that's quite an unresolved paradox in their theology; which time is the time of trouble unlike any other, the tribulation or the Day of the Lord?

Jason Hommel:

Sun, 19th July, 2015


Wed, 8th April, 2015

About 8 years ago I wrote a short e-book called "Overcomers" ( Question: Will the Anti-Christ be revealed at the beginning of the great tribulation?....

Howey Brooks

Wed, 27th August, 2014

I have been having doubts about my pre-trib beliefs for about three years, having believed it since becoming a Christian 50 years ago. I decided I would come to the scriptures alone to see what they really taught and it changed my view .... I came across your free book and downloaded it and I thank you so much for all the scriptures you give that explain and confirm each other. It has been truly enlightening. I am in the process of writing about the Rapture on my own blog and this has helped me enormously. God bless you.....

Eileen Thompson

Mon, 18th August, 2014

I just completed reading your book online for free. Thank you. I am ordering two books now, one for me and one for a friend. Thank you for your willingness to do God's work. Thank you for helping me see the truth.....


Tue, 17th September, 2013

i will order your book, i am interested in bible theory. could u read ezekiel 13:20 where god talk against those who teach his children to fly. i take it as he don't like false profits, thank u....


Sun, 2nd March, 2014